Fiberglass tooling prepregs

Tooling prepregs made from fiberglass. The resin system in such prepregs has a relatively high tg and can sustain repeated curing cycles.



Options on the resin system

Product Code Tg Curing condition Remarks
TNYPH-42 120-130 30 minutes at 80 C + 100-120 minutes at 120-125C standard tg/standard curing temp
TN-YPH170 170-190 30 minutes at 80 C + 45 minutes at 160 C moderately high tg

List of Fiberglass tooling prepregs

dry weight resin content final weight Average
Fiberglass tooling prepregs 200 gsm 40% 330 gsm 0.15mm
400 gsm 45% 725 gsm 0.3mm

Storage and transportation

These tooling prepregs can be stored for 30 days at room temperature and up to 6 months at -18 C ;

They do not require special refrigerated vehicles for transportation.

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