Carbon Fiber Reinforcements

In dry reinforcement category, We have the following carbon fiber based products:

Carbon Fiber Fabric

Carbon Fiber Fabric

Carbon fiber is the most essential component in today's composites industry. We supply carbon fiber fabrics woven in plain, twill and satin weaves and various weights. Spec-List of Woven Carbon Fiber Fabric   Weight fiber type...
Carbon Fiber Sleeves

Carbon Fiber Sleeves

We supply Braided Carbon fiber sleeves. It is also known  as carbon fiber socks. These are woven using Toray 12k, 6k and 3k carbon fibers. We also manufacture sleeves using kevlar fibers  Kevlar Sleeve Basically, a continuous woven...
Carbon Fiber Veil

Carbon Fiber Veil

The Carbon fiber veil/mat is a thin ply of continuous strand of carbon fiber that are looped randomly throughout the roll of the material. The carbon fiber strands are held together with a light binder. The non-woven construction allows a resin-rich...
Multiaxial Carbon Fiber Cloth

Multiaxial Carbon Fiber Cloth

Our multiaxial carbon fiber cloth include biaxial and triaxial fabrics. Basically, these are Unidirectional fabrics with fiber orientations of  0°, 45°, 90° stitched together. Advantages of using multiaxial Carbon fabric Because the fibres are ...
Spread Tow Carbon Fiber Fabric

Spread Tow Carbon Fiber Fabric

Spread Tow Carbon Fiber Fabric is a type of Ultra lightweight fabric. Its production involves spreading a Carbon fiber tow in thin and flat uni-directional tape and then weaving the tapes to a woven Spread Tow Fabric.  This technique increases the m...

Woven Carbon Fiber Tape

Carbon fiber tapes are narrow strips of woven carbon fiber cloth but with selvage on both edges. These are strongly built and do not fray easily. We also have these woven tapes made from Kevlar , Basalt and Glass fibers   Spec-list woven C...
UD Carbon Fiber Cloth

UD Carbon Fiber Cloth

Unidirectional Carbon fiber cloth is mostly used in construction reinforcement and as sandwich layer between Woven carbon fabric  in building hulls, automobile parts, Sporting gear etc. Major reason for using UD fabric is to gain maximum strength i...


Why use Carbon fiber?

  • High strenght and modulus
  • Low density; High strength to weight ratio
  • Good vibration dampening
  • Low creep rate
  • Low fatigue
  • Chemically inert, Non-Corrosive and highly resistant to alkalis and acids
  • Low thermal expansion and conductivity

Major Applications of carbon fiber

  • Sports equipments
  • Automobiles
  • Yachts/ship
  • Electronic gadgets
  • RC models
  • Aerospace
  • Medical equipments
  • Construction Reinforcement
Carbon fiber Tow

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